Tuesday 10 January 2012

Is Alison Larkins mentally mad????????????????

Hi Trent ,
I have received a letter from the Commonwealth Ombudsman today. I have raised serious evidence of systemic corrupt Conduct at the Insolvency Trustee service Australia.
The commonwealth Ombudsman are still attempting to cover this up when they are obligated to expose this practice by Senior Management. This is a breach of the APS Code of Conduct and Values.
They are attempting to close my complaint and cover this up.
I supplied extensive evidence so the Commonwealth Ombudsman   so they  could never say  there is no evidence of systemic corruption. This should have been disclosed under S15 of the Ombudsmans Act.
 I do not want you to do any deals with the Commonwealth Ombudsman to try and resolve to cover this up.
I do  have the necessary evidence and I was told how to collect it. I also have extensive correspondence with the Commonwealth Ombudsman explaining to them what had occurred.
I then have all the emails and letters from the Commonwealth Ombudsman attempting to cover this conduct up.
The attempt to cover this up clearly show Alison Larkins is an unfit person to be employed by the Commonwealth Ombudsman
I clearly find this bemusing. I am concerned Alison Larkins does not have the mental capacity for a position at the Commonwealth Ombudsman. When I am holding all the cards and evidence she continues to waste an enormous amount of money to try and coverup this corrupt behaviour.  I think she needs a psychiatric test!!!
Thanking you
Fiona Brown

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