Wednesday 25 January 2012

Email,Luke Phelps Commonwealth Ombudsman FOI

Hi Luke,
I refer to the following email sent to you on the 22nd December 2011.
I have asked you what "shortcomings" were identified and what arrangements were put in place that this would not occur again. You have failed to reply to this. 
I am now asking you again that you supply me with this information.
Fiona Brown.
PS of course you can also read this on my blog... ....and also have a good day cleaning up the trail of shit left by Alison Larkins

Subject: FOI
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 09:08:37 +0930

  Luke Phelps
  Senior Legal Officer
  Commonwealth Ombudsman
   22nd December 2011

Hi Luke,
          I received your letter yesterday concerning my FOI application.
I wish to be specific in what I am wanting to obtain. I want  any hand written notes  and the report made by Alison Larkins or Diane Merryfull  on the 11th November 2011 when they met with representatives of ITSA.
 Please do not have Alison Larkins or Diane Merryfull write a new report to try and coverup what transired.
I am particularly interested in  the shortcomings the Commonwealth Ombudsman has identified in the administration of the estate  and why the Diane Merryfull considers systemic corruption is not unresonable as written in her letter to me.
Also, as the Commonwealth Ombudsman had identified shortcoming in administration which is systemic please advise me what action the Commonwealth Ombudsman has put in place with Itsa so Senior Management will not continue this.
Obviously the system to identify breaches of the Bankruptcy Act and breaches of the APS Code of conduct and ethics is flawed because evidence of this was given to Mark Findlay( Bankkruptcy Regulation) and he felt obligated to cover these up.

This is the conclusion of the Commonwealth Ombudsman...............

We are now closing your complaint... further investigation by this office will not, in our veiw  provide you with  any better outcome.

I also remind you, and  you should remind Alison Larkins  and Diane Merryfull that they are bound by the Ombudsman Act and also the APS Act.. so knock yourself out and  also do your best to cover up this situation that has been caused by  ITSA.
Better still, if you  and  all the public servants are deeply offended about what I say about them on the internet please.... Make my day..... and take me to court!!!!! This will then expose the Systemic corrupt system that is now operating and bust the Ombudsman's practice open. In turn the Government should be extreamly happy that you have exposed them to enormous liability.
Have a wonderful day
Fiona Brown

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