Saturday 17 November 2012

Letter to Dave maher FOI ITSA disclosure Log

Letter to Dave Maher
RE;; Freedom of Information
Mr Dave Maher

18th November 2012

Dear Mr Maher,
You are aware under FOI I have requested a copy of ITSA's investigation policy.

This should not be confused with Itsa's fraud policy.

 Unfortunately it has been necessary for the  Office of the Information Minister  to made you aware of your obligations under the Freedom of Information Act.

According to the FMA Act  ITSA  is required to publish a disclosure log. I am aware ITSA has not posted anything on it since April 2012. Please supply me a copy of ITSA's disclosure log for the period April 2010-April 2012.
The FMA Act and the AGIS requires investigators to have a certain level of qualification. I  therefore request under FOI to be supplied the qualifications of all Bankruptcy Regulation staff in Australia.
In particular I am interested in the qualifications of Mark Findlay and Adam Toma.

Also under FOI  also supply me with copies  from  the register of complaints which have been lodged on Paul Pattison, Stuart Ariff Florence Choo Tibor Karolyi.

Please also supply me under FOI a copy of the register which discloses the dates Veronique Ingram received complaints on the conduct of Senior Management at ITSA, Paul Pattison and Stuart Ariff.
Thank you
Fiona Brown

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