Monday 18 February 2013

FOI Costs/ Transparencyin Government Agencies

How very amuzing is the price of transparency in Government Agencies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An FOI to Dave Maher of the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia ( ITSA)on the information of complaints made regarding trustees will cost $370. These statistics would be held by Bankruptcy Regulation and should be freely available to any member of Australian Public.
An FOI sent to the Australian Public Service Commission requesting information on complaints by Whistleblowers under S16 which Commissioner Sedgwick and Karin Fisher had fucked every complaint over cost $6,500 …............... now find I am not alone.......................
Among the "transparency" news in Fairfax Media today is this NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act gem:
The Greens MLC John Kaye asked about casual staff at Coffs Harbour Base Hospital and how many had been employed for longer than 12 weeks. The right to information manager at the Mid North Coast Local Health District, Chris Chick, replied it would cost $13,262 to retrieve the information. That included an estimated 51.5 hours at $36 an hour to check the database.

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