Monday 3 December 2012

Email to Gavin mcCosker RE: Jamie Lee Alexander Statement of Affairs

Gavin McCosker
National Manager
Corporate Strategy and support
Insolvency Trustee Service Australia
Re Statement of Affairs of Jamie Lee Alexander

Dear Mr McCosker ,
I refer to your email dated 22nd November 2012.
I would like to bring to your attention errors in this email.
It is the obligation of ITSA as the Official Trustee in the Bankruptcy to ensure Alexander did not file a false statement of Affairs. Therefore I request you email me  the creditors reports that ITSA would have emailed periodically to creditors as referred to in the email from the Ombudsman dated 30.11.2012.
I also request what investigations ITSA made to assess that Alexander was not liable to pay his creditors.
Considering that Alexander sold property within the 5 year clawback what inquiries did Jason Briggs commence to establish where this money is concealed ?
Furthermore, your referral of Alexander as “She” is incorrect.
I realise it now has tits, though I do not find this unusual as some men who are obese have acquired these though I have never met a woman who has a big hairy cock hanging between their legs.
Fiona Brown


  1. I have information on Jamie. Contact me. This person is going down 🤗
