Monday 29 October 2012

Investigation standards FOI APSC Disclosure log


According to the Skanky Hoe  Karin Fisher( Ethics Manager)at the Australian Public Service Commission  this Commonwealth Agency has no investigation policy although this is a requirement under the Financial Management and accountability Act.
Section 4 of the AGIS clearly sets out the  Investigation Management of Methodologies.
This clearly illustrates  that the Commissioner Steve Sedgewick is in violation of these requirements and needs to get his fist out of his bum and stop wanking himself. The commissioner's decision not to investigate compliance complaints shows that corruption is well entrenched  in the APSC.
Today I received an email from the APSC regarding  Robert Cornall AO who was the only investigator that the APSC  used to investigate one complaint made under S41) F.
Although I have been waiting a month  for  his qualifications it appears that he is in no hurry to supply them to me.
It would appear that as the Attorney General's Secretary Mr Robert Cornall has been given this title ( Order of Australia) for licking Government Officials Arse and fucking the General Public over

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