Thursday 8 December 2011

Mark Findlay protects scam at ITSA

Alison Larkins/ unethical conduct at the commonwealth Ombudsman

On the 11th November 2011 Alison Larkins,Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman and Diane Merryfull assistant senior Ombudsman met with representatives of senior Management of ITSA.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman had been given extensive  evidence of systemic misconduct and breaches of the bankruptcy Act which had flourished under the leadership of Veronique Ingram. She was made aware of the  atrocious behaviour of Senior management though failed to act. This is a breach of the APS Code of conduct.
Mathew Osborne had advised senior Management  that section 134(3) gives a trustee discretion to breach the entire bankruptcy Act. He also told  senior management that section 134(4) could be used to breach Section 19 Duties of a trustee and also it could be used to breach the APS Code of Conduct and Values.
Mathew Osborne never thought he would be caught out and he had Mark Findlay (Bankruptcy Regulations) cover for him.
Instead of exposing  this culture of misconduct  Alison Larkins did a deal with ITSA to cover up this behaviour.
By failing to bring a stop to this behaviour she has actively encouraged it.
This clearly demonstrates that Alison Larkins is prepared to participate in highly unethical conduct.
How many other Government Departments has she been prepared to cover up misconduct in????

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