Saturday 31 December 2011

Alison Larkins protecting corrupt Conduct on ITSA's Audit Committee

Alison Larkins, acting Commonwealth Ombudsman is protecting corrupt conduct by Adam Toma who is on ITSA'S Audit Committee.
If there is corrupt conduct on this committee then you can be sure the whole system is corrupt.
How many other Agencies is she doing the same for????
This clearly shows she is unfit for the position of Ombudsman and also deputy Ombudsman.
How long has the Ombudsman been protecting corrupt conduct by Government Agencies???? Is part of their policy that this is done for the Government to restrict liability????
If the Commonwealth Ombudsman protects such atrocious systemic conduct by an individual on the Audit Committee what else are they covering up.
What is the Commonwealth Ombudsman covering up at ASIC???????????
It is time to get rid of senior Management at the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
Alan Asher was made to resign because of unethical behavior and less than 2 months latter Alison Larkins is doing exactly the same. This also exposes the unethical behavior entrenched at the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Thursday 29 December 2011

Senator John Williams/Bushpig from Inverell

senator John Williams/ Bushpig from Inverell

What Is the matter with the bush pig from Inverell??
He is aware that the Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal to coverup systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal to protect the misconduct of Veronique Ingram , Mathew Osborne,Principal legal Officer , Mark Findlay , Bankruptcy Regulation, Julie Padgett NSW Manager BFI and Adam Toma , National Manager Enforcement and Regulations.
And now I discover……………….Holy shit…………Adam Toma is on ITSA’s Audit Committee………………. What the FUCK???????????????????
What is Senator John Williams hiding???????????
He is now aware of the gross corrupt conduct at ITSA that the Commonwealth Ombudsman are trying to coverup.
If this was exposed the liability to the Government would be enormous!!!!
Again………… What the Fuck????????????
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Senator John Williams/Bushpig from Inverell

senator John Williams/ Bushpig from Inverell

What Is the matter with the bush pig from Inverell??
He is aware that the Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal to coverup systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman did a deal to protect the misconduct of Veronique Ingram , Mathew Osborne,Principal legal Officer , Mark Findlay , Bankruptcy Regulation, Julie Padgett NSW Manager BFI and Adam Toma , National Manager Enforcement and Regulations.
And now I discover……………….Holy shit…………Adam Toma is on ITSA’s Audit Committee………………. What the FUCK???????????????????
What is Senator John Williams hiding???????????
He is now aware of the gross corrupt conduct at ITSA that the Commonwealth Ombudsman are trying to coverup.
If this was exposed the liability to the Government would be enormous!!!!
Again………… What the Fuck????????????
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Wednesday 28 December 2011


Itsa has a corrupt member on the Audit commitee.
This conduct by Adam Toma was covered up by Alison Larkins, Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman on the 11th November 2011.
If the level of corupt conduct  by senior Management was exposed  this would have serious implications for the Australian Government and expose them to enormous liability.
The following is a table of  complaints over the financial year.
What a lot of shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam Toma is Mark Findlay's Boss.....................Adam Toma  is on ITSA's Audit Comittee and protecting corrupt conduct at ITSA. Mark Findlay then replies to complaints  to coverup corrupt conduct and breaches of the bankruptcy Act................. WHAT THE FUCK?????????????
If you do not like the response from Bankruptcy regulation, and taking into account Mark Findlay's boss Adam Toma is on ITSA's Audit Committee then ITSA says go to the Commonwealth Ombudsman................. Again what the Fuck................. despite extensive evidence of corrupt conduct and breaches of the bankruptcy Act they make a deal with ITSA to also cover it up .
Table 40: Complaints
Shows complaints lodged with ITSA about registered trustees, the Official Trustee and registered debt agreement administrators.

Registered debt agreement administrators
Complaints received





Complaints investigated





Complaints not investigated





Complaints justified





Tuesday 13 December 2011

Alison Larkins report

How very funny........... the Commonwealth Ombudsman is refusing to acknowledge my request for the report under FOI that was made by Alison Larkins and Diane Merryfull when they met with ITSA on the 11th November 2011.
Will Alison larkins tamper with the report or will she conveniently lose it????
Just too funny...............................

Senator John Williams/Veronique Ingram/Alison Larkins


Senator John Williams/Commonwealth Ombudsman

Who in the senate was aware of the deals being done by the Commonwealth Ombudsman over the years instead of exposing this behaviour as required????
It had been brought to the attention of Senator Williams who claims to have a special interest in Bankruptcy. What was Senator Williams problem that he didn't want to expose such behaviour???
The Attorney General was aware of this and failed to act.
How much evidence of systemic misconduct is the Attorney General covering up in his portfolio????

Saturday 10 December 2011

Veronique Ingram

The Commonwealth Ombudsman have done a deal to to cover up  systemic misconduct at ITSA.
Veronique Ingram was aware of this and failed in her duty as Inspector General to control this.
The fact  that Alison Larkins has done a deal is very unethical

Florence Choo

The Commonwealth Ombudsman have done a deal to coverup systemic misconduct by Florence Choo ex  deputy OR nsw and ACT  ITSA

Cheryl Cullen

The Commonwealth Ombudsman have done a deal to coverup systemic misconduct by  Cheryl Cullen  ITSA

Julie Padget

The Commonwealth Ombudsman have done a deal to coverup systemic misconduct by Julie Padget Manager BFI  ITSA

Adam Toma

The Commonwealth Ombudsman have done a deal to coverup systemic misconduct by Adam Toma National manager Enforcement and regulation  ITSA

Mark Findlay

The Commonwealth Ombudsman have done a deal to coverup systemic misconduct by  Mark Findlay  Manager Bankruptcy Regulations  ITSA

Mathew Osborne

The Commonwealth Ombudsman have done a deal to coverup systemic misconduct by Mathew Osborne  Principal Legal Officer ITSA.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Mark Findlay protects scam at ITSA

Alison Larkins/ unethical conduct at the commonwealth Ombudsman

On the 11th November 2011 Alison Larkins,Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman and Diane Merryfull assistant senior Ombudsman met with representatives of senior Management of ITSA.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman had been given extensive  evidence of systemic misconduct and breaches of the bankruptcy Act which had flourished under the leadership of Veronique Ingram. She was made aware of the  atrocious behaviour of Senior management though failed to act. This is a breach of the APS Code of conduct.
Mathew Osborne had advised senior Management  that section 134(3) gives a trustee discretion to breach the entire bankruptcy Act. He also told  senior management that section 134(4) could be used to breach Section 19 Duties of a trustee and also it could be used to breach the APS Code of Conduct and Values.
Mathew Osborne never thought he would be caught out and he had Mark Findlay (Bankruptcy Regulations) cover for him.
Instead of exposing  this culture of misconduct  Alison Larkins did a deal with ITSA to cover up this behaviour.
By failing to bring a stop to this behaviour she has actively encouraged it.
This clearly demonstrates that Alison Larkins is prepared to participate in highly unethical conduct.
How many other Government Departments has she been prepared to cover up misconduct in????

Wednesday 7 December 2011

senator John Williams/ Commonwealth Ombudsman has done a deal to coverup misconduct at ITSA

What is wrong with the  shonk Senator John Williams?????
Why is he failing to expose misconduct at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia????
On the 11th November 2011 Alison Larkins and Diane Merryfell made a deal with ITSA to cover up misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act by senior  management.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman covered up for
Veronique Ingram
Adam Toma
Mark Findlay
and the Principal Legal Officer who instigated it all Mathew Osborne...........
***** Make my day and take me to court****** I will have a field day with all my evidence**************

Friday 30 September 2011

Bankruptcy Regulation

Mark Findlay covers-up and conceals Misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia

Saturday 24 September 2011

ITSA Bankruptcy scam

ITSA Bankruptcy scam

.............. So Margaret Chinnery Commonwealth Ombudsman is covering up the Scam at Itsa and breaching the Ombudsman Act.... that is why the Senators cannot get to the bottom of anything..... they are wasting their breath and time asking questions ... Mathew Osborne is laughing because he knows why..... Are you stupid Senator Williams?????????


Bankruptcy Regulationssays only 20 complaints about ITSA are justified a year.... Ha Ha what a scam using S134 to justify misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act!!!!!
Come to my BLOG ......
commonwealthombudsmanscam: commonwealth Ombudsman scam
14 Sep 2011 ... commonwealth Ombudsman scam. whats going on at the Commonwealth Ombudsman?????
Posted by bankruptcy coverup by ombudsman at 17:44 ... - Cached - Similar


Come and see my blogg

commonwealthombudsmanscam: commonwealth Ombudsman scam
14 Sep 2011 ... commonwealth Ombudsman scam. whats going on at the Commonwealth Ombudsman?????
Posted by bankruptcy coverup by ombudsman at 17:44 ... - Cached - Similar


commonwealthombudsmanscam: commonwealth Ombudsman scam
14 Sep 2011 ... commonwealth Ombudsman scam. whats going on at the Commonwealth Ombudsman?????
Posted by bankruptcy coverup by ombudsman at 17:44 ... - Cached - Similar


commonwealthombudsmanscam: commonwealth Ombudsman scam
14 Sep 2011 ... commonwealth Ombudsman scam. whats going on at the Commonwealth Ombudsman?????
Posted by bankruptcy coverup by ombudsman at 17:44 ... - Cached - Similar


Adam Toma National Manager Regulations and Enforcement is covering up misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at ITSA
commonwealthombudsmanscam: commonwealth Ombudsman scam
14 Sep 2011 ... commonwealth Ombudsman scam. whats going on at the Commonwealth Ombudsman?????
Posted by bankruptcy coverup by ombudsman at 17:44 ... - Cached - Similar


Why is ITSA using S134(3) to coverup misconduct by staff????
commonwealthombudsmanscam: commonwealth Ombudsman scam
14 Sep 2011 ... commonwealth Ombudsman scam. whats going on at the Commonwealth Ombudsman?????
Posted by bankruptcy coverup by ombudsman at 17:44 ... - Cached - Similar


Why is Matthew Osbourne telling staff at ITSA to breach the Bankruptcy act and why is mark Findlay and Adam Toma covering it up?????

Friday 23 September 2011


Why did the Official receiver Guilia Inga try and assist a bankrupt commit fraud and how many other Bankrupts has she assited to do the same??????????


Why is the Inspector General Veronique Ingram covering up misconduct and breaches of the Bankruptcy Act at ITSA????


Why is Mark Findlay and Adam Toma covering up breaches and misconduct at ITSA and who told them to do it?????


What is the sam at ITSA by senior Management????