Monday 25 November 2013

             (1)  A fault element for a particular physical element may be intention, knowledge, recklessness or negligence.
             (2)  Subsection (1) does not prevent a law that creates a particular offence from specifying other fault elements for a physical element of that offence.
             (1)  A person has intention with respect to conduct if he or she means to engage in that conduct.
             (2)  A person has intention with respect to a circumstance if he or she believes that it exists or will exist.
             (3)  A person has intention with respect to a result if he or she means to bring it about or is aware that it will occur in the ordinary course of events.
                   A person has knowledge of a circumstance or a result if he or she is aware that it exists or will exist in the ordinary course of events.
             (1)  A person is reckless with respect to a circumstance if:
                     (a)  he or she is aware of a substantial risk that the circumstance exists or will exist; and
                     (b)  having regard to the circumstances known to him or her, it is unjustifiable to take the risk.
             (2)  A person is reckless with respect to a result if:
                     (a)  he or she is aware of a substantial risk that the result will occur; and
                     (b)  having regard to the circumstances known to him or her, it is unjustifiable to take the risk.
             (3)  The question whether taking a risk is unjustifiable is one of fact.
             (4)  If recklessness is  a fault element for a physical element of an offence, proof of intention, knowledge or recklessness will satisfy that fault element.
                   A person is negligent with respect to a physical element of an offence if his or her conduct involves:
                     (a)  such a great falling short of the standard of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the circumstances; and
                     (b)  such a high risk that the physical element exists or will exist;
that the conduct merits criminal punishment for the offence.
             (1)  If the law creating the offence does not specify a fault element for a physical element that consists only of conduct, intention is the fault element for that physical element.
             (2)  If the law creating the offence does not specify a fault element for a physical element that consists of a circumstance or a result, recklessness is the fault element for that physical element.
Note:          Under subsection 5.4(4), recklessness can be established by proving intention, knowledge or recklessness.
Veronique Ingram / AFSA/to appear in court
It appears Veronique Ingram/ Inspector General in Bankruptcy is really pissed off somebody has failed to be intimidated by the threats of senior management at ITSA/ AFSA and has exposed the total mismanagement and systemically corrupt system for which she is responsible for.
Veronique is also totally pissed that she believe she has been placed a compromising position in the view of the public.
So it is particularly funny now that Veronique Ingram is to appear in court and try to express how her reputation has been tarnished and how I have attempted to destroy her professional image by exposing systemic corrupt conduct in her Agency.
Clearly it is now time to expose this woman and her complete failure to comply with the Financial Management and Accountability Act. Also considering her failure to comply with the Bankruptcy Act for which she is responsible for, her evidence in court will assist in the exposure of of other government Agencies who have protected this shonky woman.
As Inspector General in Bankruptcy Ingram is required to comply with the Australian Public Service code of conduct.
It also is a requirement of this shonk to ensure that The Australian Financial Authority Australian is run efficiently, effectively and ethically.
Therefore it would appear the only way this completely shonky woman is able to run this Government Agency is with systemic corrupt conduct which is being protected by other Government Agencies.
In the statements to the Australian Federal Police Veronique Ingram, Adam Toma, Matthew Osborne, Mark Findlay and Cheryl Cullen have all complained that I have tarnished their reputations.
It should also be apparent to them that eventually someone was going to expose the systemic corrupt conduct in this government agency and obviously the best way that they should deal with it was to simply suck it up!
However Ingram and the shonky senior management at ITSA or AFSA greatly underestimated me when they asked the AFP to protect them from being exposed participating in this practice.
Instead of me bending over and taking it up my ARSE and pleading guilty to exposing this conduct at AFSA, the Inspector General and other senior staff are to be subpoenaed to court to explain their conduct
Before Tibor Karolyi left employment at the then ITSA he was asked why he had failed to comply with the Bankruptcy Act.
His reply was he was simply following instruction from "higher up"
At the time I considered he referred to Florence Choo and Guilia

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation/Adam Toma
This is were  the corrupt Adam Toma went 
after he left ITSA / AFSA
Adam toma protected fraud at ITSA 
and shonky Matthew Osborne Legal Officer 
also gave Legal advice on how to protect fraud
Adam Toma also protected systemic corrupt
conduct on the audit Committee.
Now the VCGLR is protecting the corrupt 
Adam Toma.
ITSA / AFSA have also now convinced 
 a Sydney Magistrate that systemic corrupt
conduct and corruption
must be protected in Government Agencies 
Adam Toma
Dual-licensed sector
Minor gaming
Employee licensing
Liquor licensing
Gambling licences
and products
Proof of age
Gambling revenue
Major licences &
venue management

Monday 4 November 2013

Former federal cop Mick Keelty to investigate stolen federal votes. So where are the real police?

You just have to laugh at this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take a look at Agents Nuckhley Succar and his side kick Agent Nathan Potter trying to protect corruption and systemic corrupt conduct in Government Departments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mick Keelty

Former federal cop Mick Keelty to investigate stolen federal votes. So where are the real police?

Former Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty, who has a long history of gross incompetence and sweeping government corruption under the carpet, has been appointed to investigate the missing 1375 senate votes in Western Australia. But why hasn’t it been referred to the state or federal police? Surely that is the first thing they would do
Subpoena for documents/ AFSA/ ITSA

There is certainly a bright side to everything if you look for it!
For those who believe  in global warming and the gloom that Tim Flannery peddles it will be a comfort for New Zealander's to find the winters will be not so harsh and there will be a longer season for growing crops so not only will they be able to export more food, their population will increase because they may need more slave labor to harvest and Australian can send all the refugees to NZ instead of  Manis Island and Naru.
There also is an extremely bright side to being considered a criminal and charged under S 474.17 of the Criminal Code for exposing systemic corrupt conduct and corruption  in Government Departments.
As  I found the Freedom of Information process   very difficult to t extract information from the Shonky ITSA/ AFSA, Commonwealth Ombudsman , Australian Public Service  Commission and  the Australian Federal police who have  their 2 Agents on the case ,Nuckhly Succar and Nathan Potter  trying to protect and coverup  Systemic  corrupt conduct and corruption in Government Agencies I  am very pleased and delighted that I now can subpoena the documents , by-passing the troublesome FOI Officers
Following is the Subpoena served on ITSA/ AFSA this morning.........

Saturday 2 November 2013

Symond v Gadens Lawyers Sydney Pty Ltd (No 2)  [2013] NSWSC 1578 .